Hausser Dark-Line计数板产品特点:
l Hausser scientific血球计数板,霍华德霉菌计数板,准确计算白细胞、红细胞、血小板、组织培养细胞、细菌和精子
l The Dark-Line Hemacytometer is of one piece construction, ensuring long term durability and accuracy. An H-shaped moat forms two counting areas, or plateaus.
l A "V" slash at the loading side of each plateau facilitates charing and reduces the possibility of overflow into the moat. Each plateau features enhanced Neubauer rulings. The ruled surface is 0.1mm below the cover glass, limiting the volume of blood or fluid over a square mm at and over each of 400 squares (within the central square mm) to 0.00025 cu. mm.
l Contact of the flat, polished cover glass surface with cover glass supports produces an exact volume of fluid over the counting area.
货号 | Hausser Dark-Line计数板 | 市场价 |
3510 | Hausser Dark-Line 血球计数板,Counting chamber only | ¥4139元 |
3520 | Hausser Complete set | ¥6050元 |